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The Main Window

The FtpVC main window consists of three panes: the File List, which is in the upper-right corner by default; the Folder View, which is in the upper-left corner by default; and the Output Pane, which is in the bottom by default. The Folder View and Output panes can be moved, resized, and hidden, but the File List pane is static and always occupies all space that is not occupied by the other panes.

FtpVC main window

File List

The File List is the main pane that provides all version control information. It contains the following columns. Columns can be reordered and resized by dragging, and (except for File name and Relative path) can be hidden or shown by right-clicking on the header.

  • File name
    This column shows remote file names. If Show Local-Only Files command option is selected, it also shows local-only files. In non-recursive subdirectory mode this column also contains names of subdirectories of the currently selected remote directory in the tree. Version control icons are overlaid over the Windows icons, as shown below. If the Use Windows filetype icons option us not selected, FtpVC uses generic file icons instead.
    Remote directory icon - remote directory
    Local-only directory icon - local-only directory
    Directory in Find mode icon - symbolic link (Unix servers only)
    Remote file icon - remote file that was added or attached via FtpVC commands
    Remote file that doesn't belong to FtpVC version control icon - remote file that doesn't belong to FtpVC version control
    Local-only file icon - local-only file
    File checked out by the current user icon - file checked out by the current user
    File checked out by other user icon - file checked out by another user
    Locked file icon - locked file

  • Relative path (visible if the Recursive Subdirectories option in Project Options | Misc is used)
    This column shows remote subdirectory names relative to the currently selected remote directory. For example, if currently selected directory is \test, and file path is \test\sub1\a\a.txt, then the file name column will contain a.txt, and relative path column will contain sub1\a.

  • Action
    This column displays last version control action for each file. Possible actions include:
    Action Description
    Add Last action was "Add"
    Check out Last action was "Check out"
    Check in Last action was "Check in"
    Unknown Used for files that don't belong to FtpVC version control (i.e. files don't have stubs), and for local-only files. Also used after the Refresh Without Status command

  • Status
    This column is used to show the status of each file. The list of possible values is as follows:
    Status Description
    Current The local file is in sync with the remote one
    Modified The local file is newer than the remote one
    Out of date The local file is older than the remote one
    Missing The local file is missing
    Not in project The remote file's stub does not exist
    Local-only The remote file does not exist
    Unknown Either the CRC of the remote file is not recorded in its stub, or the Refresh Without Status command was used.

  • User
    This column contains the name of user who performed the last action. The name will be Unknown for files that don't belong to FtpVC version control, and for local-only files, or if Refresh Without Status command is used.

  • Time
    The column shows the time of the last version control action. For added, not-in-project, and local-only files, this column will contain the file timestamp.

  • Check-out directory
    For files checked out by the current user ,this column displays the check-out directory on the local computer. For all other files, this column is blank.

Folder View

This pane shows a tree of remote directories, with the current directory selected. Tree items are shown with different icons:

Remote directory icon - remote directory
Local-only directory icon - local-only directory
Unreachable directory icon - unreachable directory
Directory in Find mode icon - symbolic link (Unix servers only)
Directory in Find mode icon - directory in Find mode

Output Pane

This pane shows FTP commands sent to the server and server responses.
