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Synchronize Directories

Toolbar Button

Synchronize Directories toolbar button

Sychronizes the compared directories with user-specified options.

Synchronize Directories dialog

The direction of synchronization, which can be one of the following:
  • First -> Second
    Copy files from the first directory to the second.

  • Second -> First
    Copy files from the second directory to the first.

  • Bidirectional
    Copy files in both directions, from the first directory to the second and from the second directory to the first.

Synchronization options
  • Copy missing files
    Copy missing files as part of the synchronization operation.

  • Copy missing empty directories
    Copy missing empty directories as part of the synchronization operation.

  • Replace existing files
    Replace existing changed files as part of the synchronization operation.

    • Only if newer
      If this option is selected, only files that are newer will be copied. If this option is not selected, all changed files will be copied. (Note that this option is always selected when the direction is Bidirectional.)

    • Overwrite read-only files
      Overwrite read-only files in the synchronization operation.

    • Overwrite hidden files
      Overwrite hidden files in the synchronization operation.

  • Use directory comparison filters
    Use directory comparison filters in determining which files/directories to copy.

  • Re-scan directories before synchronizing
    Re-scan the compared directories before synchronizing. This option is useful if some files may have changed since comparison occurred. Note that re-scanning is enforced in two situations: if comparison was non-recursive or if filters were used for comparison but won't be used for synchronization.

Perform the synchronization, opening the Directory Synchronization dialog.

Closes the dialog.
