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Settings Command - Dialogs

This dialog modifies FtpVC settings. Use the Export to file and Import from file commands to save and load the settings. This may be useful if all team members want to have the same FtpVC settings.

Settings - Dialogs

Dialog Box Options

This dialog box allows you to select the version control operations for which you want to see options dialogs. If no dialog is shown, the following options will be remembered from the last time the dialog was used:

Operation Remembered options
Attach None
Get Set local file time
Check out Do not replace local file(s)
Set local file time
Check in Keep checked out
Mail old version(s)
Address for mailing old version(s)
Notify mailing list
Attach new version(s)
Mailing list name
Undo check out Replace local file(s)
Set local file time
Label Action
History All history filters

NOTE: Even if an operation is not selected, you can always display its options dialog by holding the Shift key while selecting menu item, pressing toolbar button or using keyboard shortcut.
