FtpVC Pricing Info

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Number of seats Price per seat (new) Price per seat (upgrade)
1 $49.99 $29.99
2-9 $47.99 $27.99
10-24 $45.99 $25.99
25-49 $41.99 $23.99
50-99 $37.99 $21.99
100-999 $33.99 $19.99
1000+ $29.99 $17.99

All of the above listed prices are for a one-year license, which includes maintenance for one year. If you order with a credit card or PayPal, you are given the option of purchasing a multi-year license that includes maintenance for more than one year. If you purchase a new multi-year license, you will receive a 52% discount on every additional year. If you purchase a multi-year upgrade license, you will receive a 20% discount on every additional year.

We offer a 20% educational discount on all our products. To qualify for this discount, you must be a student or educator. Please send us an email with your name, the name of your educational institution, and the reason for purchasing our software.