ExamDiff Pro User Testimonials

If you need to compare HTML, XML, or even binary files, only a proper diff utility will do. And ExamDiff Pro meets the gold standard for these types of utilities: Not only will it compare files, but its unique "fuzzy comparison" feature lets you determine just how drastic the changes have to be before the program flags them. This makes it invaluable for software developers, or anyone who needs to visually compare lots and lots of files quickly...
All in all, ExamDiff Pro is an extremely handy tool for Webmasters or Web designers, or for anyone who needs to maintain copies of files in two different places.

ExamDiff, at $35 after its 30-day trial expires, fits nicely in the feature and cost niche between free, but sparse diffing tools like KDiff3, and higher-end tools like UltraCompare. Its ability to generate a dump of a binary file is a nice bonus feature, but not a necessity; Coming up with something that resembles parity between documents saved in disparate file formats, something ExamDiff excels at, is harder and a more welcome feature. For most people who need a diffing tool, ExamDiff will suit their needs most of the time.

By far the best comparison and merge program I've ever seen. You can compare folders (recursively or not) or versions of files, but what makes ExamDiff ExamDiff Pro stand out is that you can use it right out of the box - the UI is incredibly intuitive - or you can adjust dozens (hundreds?) of settings to meet your particular needs (do you want to consider two files different if there are changes in the amount of white space in lines?)
12 Absolutely and Insanely Essential Utilities For Programmers

ExamDiff Pro should appeal to all levels of developers, from those just learning HTML to seasoned pros.

What's changed? What hasn't? ExamDiff has your answer.
Bill Dubie and Dave Sciuto, The Shareware Report

The amount of time saved using ExamDiff is incalculable and the success I have had with my implementations can be credited, in part, to this wonderful tool.

Over the course of my computer upgrade, I have to admit that I relied on ExamDiff many times. It is a great program, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it for anyone who cares about maintaining and organizing any sort of data files.
Betsy Finn, Professional Photographer Magazine

We have been using this magnificent tool for several years. Almost every day it helps us to solve our daily tasks very efficient with minimal efforts. Being software developers we work with sources very intensive and this tool blows our "everyday-nightmare" out. ExamDiff is one of best comparison utilities on the market, if not THE best.
Kevin Dylan, Developer, Auslogics Software

No matter what files you want to compare, ExamDiff Pro loads them, puts them side by side and highlights the differences. Useful functionality for any web developer, from the novice that is now getting to grips with HTML to the advanced developer that wants an efficient tool.

ExamDiff is similar to a lot of other file comparison utilities like Winmerge. But it is, BY FAR, the best I have ever used. It is easy to make changes within the program itself and it is extremely customizable. You can highlight line differences, byte differences, change the algorithm that is uses to do the actual comparison, ignore tabs/spaces/white space, etc. I highly recommend it. I use it daily when I am doing coding--whether it be vbs, VB.Net or who-knows- what. It makes it very easy for me to compare different versions of code and confirm that I am only making changes to the things that I want to actually change.

This is the best Diff-ing tool I have come across... This is a must have for data geeks, testers, and developers.

Having struggled with mainframe and Linux based diff programs, which only listed line numbers that differed, ExamDiff is a refreshing and powerful tool.
Les Smith

The best was the report function. Since I had to communicate all the changes back to my Italian translator, this was very important. ExamDiff created an HTML document (other formats are also available) that basically looked exactly like the comparison I saw in the application window. It had a little legend that explains what the colors mean and I was able to just send this document to my translator who was easily able to update his translation memory with these changes.
Susanne Aldridge III

Excellent file comparator utility. The first graphical app I've found good enough to wean me off the DOS-based character mode tool I'd been using for years.

Sometimes you find yourself backing up files in one place and
editing them in another. Before you know it, you don't know which
one is the one you want to keep. Input the two files into ExamDiff
and you can compare them side by side.
ExamDiff offers a lot of great features...
Michael DeSanto

This free version of a more capable shareware program has proven very useful in comparing versions of the same script and highlighting the differences so that I can bring things into line.

The freeware ExamDiff is brilliant, and works well with TortoiseCVS.

I recommend PrestoSoft's ExamDiff. The free tool (ExamDiff) is great, and they offer a commercial version (ExamDiff Pro) that has some cool features like intra-line diffing and directory diffing.
Brad Wilson

A great tool for Registry Compares. That's what I use it for the most.
Bud Allen

I have to tell you that ExamDiff Pro 3.5 is the most gloriously wonderful piece of software I have ever discovered, where, for work satisfaction within the requirements of my job it is up against Microsoft SLQ Server, and even then only in respect of the relative size and complexity of the product.
To be able buy something that not only does what you could imagine you would want such a product to be able to do, but that keeps on surprising you with the way it does it, makes working for a living almost as good as not having to.
Phil Baldwin

It kicks butt, love the fact it can do entire directories too, comes in
handy when one of my moron colleagues thinks they have checked in all of
their source files, then ExamDiff Pro comes to the rescue showing me what
they forgot.
I received a trial version of the product from a colleague of mine, and used
it on several occasions, when I saw my trial period had expired, I thought
it was too great of a product to pass up, so I decided to view the purchase
information, when I found out the cost, I was amazed, you could get twice as
much I'm sure for the product once a customer were to see how invaluable it
is, thanks for making such a great product at a very affordable price, it is
a tool that every developer should have.
Rick Olszewski

Yesterday I had a need to compare two huge text files, about 125MB each. I downloaded about 10 file-compare utilities from www.hotfiles.com, and tried the lot. To my surprise, they all either: crashed, displayed garbage characters, or arguably worse, stated that there were no differences between the two files... Except for ExamDiff Pro, which was the ONLY utility of the lot able to correctly handle the two files, displaying the differences found on the screen. So I registered it on the spot. Plus the interface looks really professional and it has some nice merge features and even supports directories and binary files. So in a word, "thanks" for releasing an intelligently designed product for the real world!
J.P. Donato

For the past several days I have been updating thousands of lines of code in
dozens of classes. This work would be impossible without a powerful file comparison tool.
I've used ExamDiff Pro for years and tried many other comparison tools in the same time.
ExamDiff Pro remains the best. This tool has saved me hours of work and insured that the
changes I make are accurate.
So, I thought I'd say thanks for helping me get my job done!
Michael Prescott

I am very impressed with this tool. It does everything I would want from a
diff tool, and then some.
The integration with Windows Explorer is something I wouldn't had thought
useful. But, I have already found several times that it saves some time
being able to get into the diff tool this way.
Skip Galt

I just wanted to let you know that your software is really awesome! Had we not started using Source-Offsite I never would have known about your product and how really bad the diff utility that comes bundled with Source-Safe is. The utility that Source-Offsite uses (WinDiff) is even worse, which prompted us to look for alternatives. We evaluated each of the products listed in the Source-Offsite help file under "Some third party alternatives to WinDiff include:" and selected your product.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems rare to get great value for a reasonable price.
Robert Jackovich

This is the best differencing program I have used and I only own two shareware programs, yours (now) and ZTree. Not all shareware is made alike. Your program is great!
Shochet Mischo

ExamDiff Pro is, by far, the best differencing/merging program that I've ever used, and I use it every time I need to merge in a new tree of the software program we're developing. I found ExamDiff Pro after going through about 6 other programs from download.com and finding them all woefully lacking for what I needed. Kudos! Thanks for the good work!
Rob Coleman

Your commercial customers list concurs with what my instinct said back when ExamDiff was first used, it is a well made program that does an excellent job and certainly one does get their moneys worth. :-)
Frank Thurber

I had compared numerous diffing tools for use on the job (firmware engineering), and none compared to ExamDiff Pro. I try not to pay for much software, going the freeware route mostly. But your software was an exception. Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your efforts.
Jim Vober

Just wanted to tell you that this program (ExamDiff Pro) is absolutely amazing. It's does exactly what I want it to and it appears to be bug free as of now. There's a lot of shareware that is not worth the money you pay for it, but this is worth every cent.
Jeremy Church

The truth is I don't have a lot of use for a product like this - the functionality it provides is something I need only occasionally. However I was struck by what a sweet piece of software it is, and had to buy it anyway. Congratulations on a job well done! I am an ISD professional and well qualified to make this judgement.
Lance Vandersyde

I am very happy using ExamDiff Pro. I regularly have to merge modifications done by several developers and ExamDiff Pro saves me a lot of time. It is very flexible in use and that is why also hardly any mistakes are made during the merges.
Jaap Zeekant

I really love your product. I use it every day, and I think it must have saved me tens of hours already (I am a statistical programmer who always has several versions of long, complicated programs on the go), in just the few months I've been using it. Small, crisp, powerful, FANTASTIC program!
Eric Sayre

I have found ExamDiff Pro to be an excellent piece of software. For many years I have used Delta (home.dti.net/open/delta.html), but this is a DOS application, and I had searched at length for an equally powerful and intelligent comparison tool, that was Windows based. ExamDiff Pro is the only comparison tool I have found that fulfills these requirements, and I have found it to be even better than Delta. I have recommended it to several of my colleagues.
Peter Dziwior

You have developed the application I have always wanted to... I'm a serious software developer (Computer Engineer) who does a lot of contracting work... needless to say, I have to diff a lot of source code! Your ExamDiff Pro software has saved me dozens if not hundreds of man-hours since I purchased it a couple of months ago.
Ken Mumme

Within TestComplete called on a command line after detecting a difference in the content of an output test file, ExamDiff provided an easy, fast report of the errors found in the application output test viewing a familiar screen format. No need for the human testers to manually load up a program to inspect the results. What a time saver.
Paul Varn

I have been using Examdiff Pro for almost two years now and I am completely addicted to it. We recently started using CVS (Concurrent Version System) on different platforms (Windows, Linux, Tru64 and VMS). In his book "Open Source Development with CVS", the author Karl Fogel says: "If you've never had this kind of convenient access to historical snapshots before, you may be surprised at how quickly you come to depend on it". I fully agree with him, but once you get used to a product like Examdiff Pro, the pathetic "diff" output of CVS is really disappointing. You can imagine how happy I was when I found out that in WinCVS, a popular Windows client for CVS, I found the option "use external diff program" which cooperates perfectly to Examdiff Pro. I just wanted to let you know about this (if you did not already know it).
Peter Kroon

I want to compliment you on your program. It has been invaluable to me. I am a Project Manager of Web Development for www.healthyroads.com and other corporate / intranet web applications and ExamDiff Pro has helped me a lot. I use ExamDiff to help me sync production with the development site of the different web applications. We use Visual SourceSafe for version control (and its difference utility), but ExamDiff is more user friendly. For me, I like being able to compare folders and then drill down to the file differences. VSS is good for a real quick difference check, but ExamDiff is better when I have to compare more files and help developers track and isolate changes.
Basically, you are doing a great job!
Michael Adams

EDP has been working extremely well for me. Thank you for creating such a well-written tool. EDP is clearly one of the best tools out there. The extensive options allow it to be easily customized for many different tasks. Over the years, EDP has evolved extremely well. I hope you are proud of it! :-)
Robert Lasher

This is really what I wanted for my work!!! I thought someone somewhere should have thought about it. I can now ask for no more! I can now compare my large text outputs till the character level! This will certainly increase my productivity, my confidence in the production migrations I do for my company. I can also keep track of all my different versions of source code, binaries. Moreover I can leverage my UNIX experience, regular expressions and all, for shutting off unwanted differences. This is really intelligent diffing! Others will just keep guessing! And boy, these hundreds of gifted features, I'm only happy to learn asap. Thanks a lot for such an intelligent, flexible, sophisticated software at such an affordable price! I have bought many such utilities online but ExamDiff beats them all by being light years ahead!! And I tell you - by way of adding value to my work ExamDiff will do more than what MS Word, Excel and all other such fancy stuff put together can ever do!!! For a user like me, it is commonsense and usefulness which matter, not fancy features! :)) I got 100 times the value for my money. I can only guess the kind of thinking and hard work which have gone into this top class stuff. Hats off and keep up the good work!!!
Sri Vishnu Tallapragada

Excellent program. I am processing two 1 gig files for differences as well as other very large files, etc... I appreciate your attention to memory management, listbox limitations, notification messages, etc... Good Work!
Samuel Edge

Note: Some of the above testimonials are for ExamDiff Pro, and some are for ExamDiff.