ExamDiff Pro Basic Tutorial #7

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How to create and use directory snapshots

Tutorial Description: This tutorial describes how to create and use ExamDiff directory snapshots. Directory snapshots are XML files that contain information about the contents of a specific directory, and can be compared as directories.

Video Demonstration


  1. Open ExamDiff Pro and compare two directories. Now, to create a directory snapshot, right-click anywhere within a directory view and select Save Snapshot ExamDiff Pro Directory Snapshot Button (or press Ctrl - F11 or Ctrl - F12 to save a snapshot of the first or second directory, respectively). To save a snapshot of a directory not being currently compared, go to Directories | Create Snapshot... (or press Ctrl - N) and select the directory you want to create a snapshot of.

    ExamDiff Pro Create Snapshot dialog

  2. Now select the location you want to save the directory snapshot to and click Save. The directory snapshot has been created.

    ExamDiff Pro Save Snapshot dialog

    ExamDiff Pro Saving Progress Dialog

  3. Now we will compare directory snapshots. Go to Directories | Compare New Pair... ( or press Ctrl - E, or click on the Compare New Pair toolbar button) ExamDiff Pro Compare New Pair Button to show the Compare dialog. Select Directories if you haven't already, and click on a Browse for directory snapshot button to select a directory snapshot to compare.

    ExamDiff Pro Compare dialog, Directories tab, with a directory snapshot chosen in place of a directory

  4. Two directory snapshots can be compared to each other, or a directory snapshot can be compared to a directory. After selecting the directory snapshots you want to compare, click on the Compare button and we're done!

    ExamDiff Pro main window, with a directory compared against a snapshot

  5. Finally, to refresh (update) a snapshot previously taken, compare that snapshot (as shown above) to any directory, right-click anywhere within the snapshot's directory view, and select Refresh Snapshot.